Trump’s Secret Service buddies claimed all the texts from Jan 5 and 6 were lost because of a routine internal matter.

 BUT, the phones were wiped AFTER several messages were sent, to preserve all phone/text messages from the time period in question.

However, the text messages were requested before they were deleted. “Congress informed the Secret Service it needed to preserve and produce documents related to January 6 on January 16, 2021, and again on January 25, 2021, for four different committees who were investigating what happened, according to the source,” CNN reported Wednesday. “The Secret Service migration did not start until January 27, 2021.”

Oops, say the Trumpies.. Guess you’ll never know who Dotard and his pals were texting with and what they were saying…. Is ANYONE surprised, that they did it, and then LIED about it?

Same old shit…..


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