The Pubs like to pretend they are in OZ, where they don’t want you to look behind the curtain.

 Don’t look at our abortion laws, where we want a ten year old rape victim to carry the baby to term, and we’re gonna prosecute the Dr who helped her, but look at gas prices. Isn’t Biden TERRIBLE for not fixing them, (although the US price is better than most of the world).

Don’t look at the Jan 6 ‘witch-hunt’, the Dems are just doing it for for SHOW! Try to forget that Dotard planned and led it, after LOSING the election, then pushing The Big Lie, that was swallowed, and is STILL swallowed by the gullible ignorant sheep who swallow FOXNews. Look at INFLATION, which is all Joe’s fault, although it’s WORLDWIDE, with a myriad of causes, mainly with the world emerging from COVID.

Don’t look at AR 15 gun laws and abortion laws, hugely unpopular with MOST Americans, but pushed by Pubs, for the rightwingnuts who have taken over which is now the ‘party of Trump’, the pussy grabbing, Pathological Liar who incited an insurrection.

Whatever you do, don’t look behind the curtain, where the Big Pharma Pubs are fighting bills that would lower prescription drug prices! Just concentrate on inflation, cuz it’s all Joes fault, and whatever you do NEVER watch the Jan 6 hearings, with nearly ALL Repub witnesses, under oath, cuz it’s all just a witch-hunt………


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