FOXNews evokes a lot of emotions for me,

and one of them is laughing out loud at some of their crap. One of the funniest categories is 'Bias Alert', where they glean the 'real' news for something that could rile the sheep. Today, Bullshit Mountain said, "Media Picks on Ivanka, While Giving Chelsea a Pass"
This was after Ivanka had two 'news conferences' and told SEVERAL (easily provable) lies about Hillary vs Donald's policies concerning  Maternity Leave and 'Childcare Policies', her dad's (unreleased, for a reason) taxes and his bogus 'Charity Donations', while Chelsea explained what the 'Clinton Foundation' actually does.. BUT, this works to rile the sheep.
AND, this is while they have an ENTIRE PROPAGANDA ORGANIZATION, (can't call them a 'news' agency), that exists for one reason. And that is to supply an on-going stream of bullshit/propaganda for the rightwingnuts, that boils down to one thing.
'Dems BAD, Pubs GOOD----Vote Republican'!
And that message totally surrounds, (in MANY forms), the 'Bias Alert' section, on-line. How can ANYONE, even the brain-dead sheep, read 'Bias Alert' without 'Laughing Out Loud'. Who knows, maybe they do, but I doubt they 'get it'. They sure don't with MOST of  'Reality vs FOXNews.'


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