The senior senator from Nevada,

had an epic rant against Trump today, saying that as the former 'Top Gaming Official' in NV, (where The Mob established Las Vegas and crime families regularly build casinos and launder money), Donald Trump was considered too sleazy to get a casino license! (Yup, he tried).
Are you kidding? Too sleazy for Vegas?  Look it up.

Trump Barred From Casino Business In Nevada Due To Sordid Record

Among other evidence, the senator pointed to a recent Newsweek investigation into Trump’s many business ties to U.S. allies and enemies abroad. Reid also cited his own knowledge ― as a former gaming official in Nevada ― to impugn Trump’s casino operations.
On Thursday, the senator took it several steps farther, arguing that Trump is a “spoiled brat” who was born to plenty and expanded his fortune primarily by swindling poor people, the elderly, the working class, children and even his own lawyers.
“Trump won’t change. He is asking us to let him get rich scamming America,” Reid said.
In other news, there is one Trump that actually tells the truth, sometimes, as The Donald's son Eric said,
No shit......


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