Hillary had a good line yesterday

about the GOP, who has consistently fought women's rights and female issues, with their plans to shut down Planned Parenthood and remove a woman's 'right to choose'.
She said, in so many words, "my pneumonia FINALLY got the GOP to pretend like they care about a woman's health issues'.
PS -How an educated female in the US could support Donald Trump is WAY beyond my power of reasoning or imagination.
This just in: Trump flip-flopped AGAIN, after beating the 'birther' horse to death, and admitted the prez, like Bruce Springsteen says, was 'Born in the USA'!   BUT, he replaced it with a fresh, new line of bullshit, claiming Hillary started the rumor. Wow, Truth and Trump just can't exist in the same world......
Trump’s claim about Clinton’s role in the conspiracy theory is patently false, and has been debunked over and over. Still, that didn’t stop Trump from repeating it.


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