Compared to the insanity at the top of the Repub ticket,

I thought Mike Pence was pretty weird, but fairly typical of the rightwingnuts. BUT, his latest comments put him so far 'out there', I'll never look at him as 'sane' again.

Republican vice presidential nominee Mike Pence said Sunday he wants to be like Dick Cheney.
Pence named the former vice president, who served under George W. Bush, as his role model for the No. 2 spot in the White House.
“I frankly hold Dick Cheney in really high regard in his role as vice president and as an American,” Pence said on ABC’s “This Week.”
Are you kidding? As if Trump wasn't bad enough, now his #2 says he looks at The Dick as a role model. Just when you think they(R) can't get any worse they ALWAYS do, as the architect of the Iraq war, who advocates torture and would be proven 'GUILTY', in any War Crimes trial, is the 'hero' of Mike Pence. Absolutely unbelievable, and SO Republican....


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