Maybe I oughta change the way I think

about the upcoming election. From a purely selfish point of view, I would be much better off if the rightwingnuts were to prevail and elect The Donald, as President of the United States, (Wow, it hurts to even write it...) cuz a significant part of my portfolio (gotta diversify) is in various forms of precious metals.
If Trump were to be elected, silver and gold would SKYROCKET, as he would be such a YUUUGE disruption on the economy and financial markets everywhere, according to a YUUUGE majority of economic experts, here and abroad.
SO, maybe I ought just be selfish, put my brain on a shelf and come out in favor of total stupidity, cuz if he wins, my investments will be like oil after GW and The Dick lied us into war.
It's a thought, and I could resume communication with some of the rightwingnuts in my life. Hmmmm..... Nah, it's not worth it.


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