The rightwingnuts thought Hillary was terrible

for calling approx half of Trumps supporters 'Deplorables'. After looking at the actual definition of the word, I think she was 'right on'.
  1. deserving strong condemnation:
  2. synonyms:disgracefulshamefuldishonorableunworthyinexcusable

    After the YUUUGE number of outrageous statements and outright LIES, 
    anyone who would support him for President of the US is WORSE than
     'deplorable'. Hillary 'went easy' on the idiots....... 
    Anyone who would believe, for years, with absolutely ZERO proof, in 
    spite of ACTUAL proof to the contrary, that Obama wasn't born in 
    America, as OVER HALF of the FOXSheep do, is the perfect 'brain-dead'
     foil for a Trump presidency. Deplorable doesn't begin to explain the 
    morons' thought process.......
    The national media has spent a year and a quarter documenting in exquisite, redundant detail the rabid, anti-intellectual nationalistic bigotry of Trump’s hard-core fanbase. But it has taken Hillary Clinton’s affirmation to transform this by-now-banal observation into a scandal.


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