Yahoo! The Donald finally revealed

his economic plan. He's gonna add 25 million jobs and raise the GDP to 3.5%, maybe 4%, (with ZERO specifics) while cutting taxes for the rich. Can you say 'The same old 'trickle down' crap that every Pub has promised for decades, even after being proven as 'total bullshit', time after time. Economists, by a YUUUGE majority say such numbers are totally impossible, and would add from 3 to 10 TRILLION $ to the deficit. Not exactly traditional Repub policy, but who cares?
Do the sheep care? OF COURSE NOT. They are the sheep, and facts mean NOTHING to them, as their boy still claims he's gonna remove 11 million Mexicans (FAR over the border) and build a YUUGE, beautiful wall, that Mexico will pay for.
Do the sheep care that this is all total BULLSHIT? Not at all, they are the sheep, and thinking has never been one of their strong points, as Trump continues to claim Obama wasn't born in Hawaii/America, in spite of all the proof he was. And nearly 50% of the sheep agree with The Donald.
What does this say for our country? It says approx 20% of the population 'doesn't have a clue', and may also be deplorable.
Nothing new here, but WTF does that idiot have to do/say for the sheep to finally admit he's a charlatan huckster. What am I saying? That's their favorite kind of politician, supported by FOXNews, that they have learned to love and trust.
BTW, here's a pic of the ONLY realistic Repub 'Trickle Down'.


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