As the Pubs stumble into the election this fall,

they are trying to keep the focus OFF The Donald, (DUH), by impeaching the IRS commissioner, (for doing his job), subpoenaing the FBI after THEIR BOY, Comey, led the attack on Hillary and said NO ONE would prosecute her,, and are now saying Hillary lied, cuz she didn't bring up her pneumonia, as she just tried to 'work through it'. Crucify her!
They're also claiming Hillary has a 'stand-in double' to fool the public. Who says these clowns, or rather deplorables, have no imagination?
BUT, their main problem, as they bitch that HRC would just be 'an extension of the Obama years', is that 'we can only hope so', as he inherited a 'steaming pile' from the Pubs.
This is the same prez that has a 58% approval rating, after 'their boy' was run outta town with a 22% approval rating, in the midst of two 'unpaid-for' wars, that he lied us into, before the Pubs TOTALLY WRECKED our economy.
Yup, we need those clowns(R) back in charge..... Are you kidding me? Even the totally brainwashed FOXSheep gotta be saying, WTF! Donald Trump for PRESIDENT?
SEE ALSO: Oxford Economics: Trump presidency could cost US economy $1 trillion
Against nearly anyone else, I'd think twice about Hillary. But, Donald Trump as prez of MY country? That's absolutely insane, sorta like the average Repub........


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