One of the original rightwingnuts, Phyllis Schlafly, died last week

She(R) singlehandedly set the 'women's movement' toward equality, back several decades, as she campaigned relentlessly to stop the ERA, or Equal Rights Amendment, including outlawing all abortions and birth control.
Phyllis Schlafly's Lasting Legacy in Defeating the E.R.A.


Mrs. Schlafly, who died Sept. 5, mobilized forces to block passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, which had been ratified by all but three needed states before it was tabled.

In her later years, frail but feisty, after the ERA eventually passed, she was asked why she was SO adamant, and replied  without hesitation. 'Because God is on my side'.
Thanks again, Republican obstructionist. Some things just never change....
Toward the end, her mental faculties were called into question, however, as she endorsed The Donald for president, continuing her 'doesn't have a clue' mentality.


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