I can understand a 'difference of opinion',

like Ford vs Chevy, Bud Light vs 'real' beer or skiing vs boarding. BUT, when someone looks at the Clinton years, then GW and The Dick, followed by 8 years of Obama and they say, 'Yup, I'm with Trump and the Pubs', that's just insane.
It's a lifestyle choice. Choosing to overlook reality and deciding to filter facts through the fog of FOXNews. I can honestly disagree with someone who has a simple difference of opinion, but when it comes to looking at life and thinking, 'Yup, Rush and them Repubs are SHURE smart", I want NO PART of them. Life is too short to deal with idiots..........
Thankfully. I'm here in Colorado and, for the most part, the rightwingnuts are out 'in the sticks', as it should be.
May the best life win....


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