Reid Hoffman just got a LOT of 'free publicity'.

when he offered $5 Million, if Trump releases his taxes. HA! That Bozo will NEVER release his taxes, and his idiotic supporters don't even care. If Hillary, or any other Dem candidate would pull such crap Bullshit Mountain, or PARP, would never stop screaming.
If Trump's taxes ever saw the light of day, EVERYONE, even the sheep, would see what a bombastic LIAR he really is.
BUT, it'll never happen, cuz about half the people in the country aren't smart enough to even give a shit....... And they all vote Repub, NO MATTER WHAT, cuz they are loyal, FOX sheep, who believe the propaganda. Can you say Brainwashed?

LinkedIn Co-Founder Offers $5 Million To Charity If Trump Releases Tax Returns

Reid Hoffman turns the tables on the Republican presidential nominee.

 09/13/2016 06:13 pm ET


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