The Pubs have been running a 'publicity scam'

to 'impeach' the head of the IRS, for properly doing his job, although it has ZERO chance of succeeding, BUT it allows them avoid the REAL issues, as Pubs love to do.
Today, though, the Dems hijacked the circus, by asking the head of the kangaroo court, if anything would stop someone from releasing his tax return, while he's under an audit.
The clown was forced to answer NO, which contradicts what The Orange Clown has said MANY times.
ALSO, the questioner did so while munching on a bag of Skittles. Classic....

The problem with the Skittles example that the rightwingnuts can't see? Young Trumenstein asked if you'd eat from a bowl of Skittle if you knew 3 were poisonous. Of course not, BUT the % in his example (8%?) wasn't even close, to the actual odds of being killed by a terrorist that was allowed to immigrate to the US, which is approx 1 in 3.5 Billion. His bowl would have to be the size of 2 Olympic sized swimming pools. BUT, 'close enough' for his audience, who doesn't have a clue.
Another fact for the rightwingnuts who don't understand 'numbers', but love Trump.

Forgive me, here I am using 'facts' again, for those who don't give a shit about facts. My bad.......


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