The Pubs invented 'legal vote buying'

with their 'Citizens Untied' fiasco that allows billionaires to slip money, under the table, staying completely anonymous, to their fave Repub politicians, for 'future consideration'. BUT, if the Clinton's celebrate Bill's 70th birthday with a fund-raising dinner, completely in the open, the attack dogs of Bullshit Mountain are CERTAIN that it's a nefarious 'influence peddling scam' and it's just ANOTHER of those Clinton scandals.
Check out the crap shoveled to the sheep today, from FOXNews, after Bill Clinton DARED to have a fund-raising party.
For a giant, flashing sign that the Clintons’ influence-peddling will never end, look no further than Bill’s 70th birthday party Friday night at the Rainbow Room fund-raising bash.
True, buying a ticket will get you some glam — Barbara Streisand, Jon Bon Jovi and Wynton Marsalis are all to perform. But how many others hope their gift will at least get them onto some future White House guest list, and possibly buy even larger favors?
What’s really remarkable here is the Clintons’ utter shamelessness — or the compulsive need to raise cash. 
This is what passes for 'journalism' at FOXNews, as an asshole like Todd Starnes gets the sheep all 'riled' after the Clinton's have a totally legitimate fund-raiser. And you wonder why the sheeple who read/believe this crap are nothing more than uninformed idiots who hate Dems?


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