What an a**hole

What a kind of low-life could support that sleazeball for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?
Donald Trump Clung to 'Birther' Lie for Years, and Still Isn't Apologetic


It was never true. Any of it. And even as Mr. Trump surrendered to the reality of President Obama's birthplace, he insisted on conjuring a new falsehood, and the clueless sheep don't even care.
It's seeming more like the year 2000, when idiots threw away their votes on Ralph Nader, and we got GWBush as a booby prize. Insane, but the same two states, Ohio and Florida, filled with ??? are now leaning toward Trump. I thought it could NEVER happen again, but I thought the same about Viet Nam, before the Repubs lied us into Iraq.
Bottom line, we get the govt we deserve, and if the uneducated masses elect the Tangerine Clown they deserve to go down in a ball of flames. Won't effect me and should be fun to watch.


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