How much to kill a Taliban?

(Oct. 27) -- The Pentagon has disputed a press report that it's now costing U.S. taxpayers an average of at least $50 million for every single Taliban soldier killed in the ongoing war in Afghanistan.
The report, originally posted on the Afghan news website, arrived at the $50 million figure by dividing the amount of money now being spent yearly on the war in Afghanistan -- about $100 billion -- by the number of enemy now being killed annually, estimated at 2,000.  Big money, for someone, in the business of fighting wars. Couldn't we just bribe 'em, and save the $ going to the defense contractors? Did you know the price of a missle we send after an Afghan fighter on a donkey costs $13 million?


Anonymous said…
Where did you get $13 million? A hellfire costs about $100K and a drone is about $4.5 million, which carries hellfires...
Fam Guy said…
My mistake. It is a Reaper drone,that costs 13 mil, that we have been losing. From the same article.(A Reaper drone has a 66-foot wingspan and, when unarmed, a price tag of $13 million.)
Fam Guy said…
Entire article about $50 mil per Taliban.
ladyj said…
Why don't we just pack up and leave....they don't want us there and we sure the hell don't wanna be there, except for the money to be made by the independent Security forces, and the warmongers who truly believe there's something to be gained by being in Iraq and Afghanistan. What it is, I surely don't know, except death and destruction. There will never be a resolve to the conflict of terrorism..there's just too many jhadists and young minds to be warped into hate of the West. So let's go home and work on protecting our borders, our security, update our systems and learn how to work together in government and civilian sectors to make us safe.

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