I just wonder,

if any of those redneck, rightwing religious conservatives who teach that homosexuality is a disease that can be cured, or is the result of 'demon possession', have any second thoughts as another student commits suicide after being outed. All across the country people are bullied, beaten, ridiculed and driven to kill themselves because a certain segment of our society is ignorant about human sexuality. Remember when you had to choose if were gonna be gay or straight? Huh? Of course not. It's not a conscious decision. You're either born gay or you're not and the idea, put forth by that portion of people who think they need to be the moral police, but 'don't have a clue', really pisses me off. It's one thing when your belief system just messes up your own life, but when you mess up others', that's what upsets me. There's a lot of confused young people out there that are innocent victims, just cuz they were born 'different' and there are those who don't know how to run there own lives but think they should be in charge of others. Really sad, but true...


ladyj said…
Too bad the college embraced this lad after the fact.
Now we have this "Pastor" of a Mega-church in Atlanta, Ga., who is being exposed as a molester of at least 4 young men over the age of 16 and by Georgia law, the age of consent, so he cannot be charged with a crime. The man of God, a known Homophobe and anti-gay preacher from the pulpit, he would take these young men out of state and out of country, buy them expensive clothing,jewerly, and then have sex with them. Two were from his Atlanta church and two others from a North Carolina church.
I've stated before, I've never walked in the shoes of a homosexual, so I do not know that lifestyle, however, I would think, to Choose to be gay and not to be Born gay is rather a foolish statement, due to the hardship, hatred, misconceptions, threats, isolation, confusion that one would suffer under the hands of fools and self. One would have to be an idiot to CHOOSE to be gay. It would be like CHOOSING to stand in front of firing squad. You're either born gay or not. You don't TURN gay or BECOME gay....or today I think I'll be gay.
Fam Guy said…
So obvious to those who actually use their brain, lady, but there's a bunch of the 'others' out there.
ladyj said…
What would you say about a man who hung out with a group of guys, ate with them, slept with them, didn't date women? Would you think he was a little weird? Would you question his sexuality?

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