Just when you think,

that Rush Limbaugh can't sink any lower, he does. His latest rant, on the national news tonight, claims that Obama is 'the devil'. He claims that pictures of the prez, are 'demonic', and the sheep say, 'YUP'. Unbelievable, but true, as the right wing Repubs just keep getting stranger.


ladyj said…
Evidently Rush hasn't read the Book of Revelation. The boy gonna have to get caught up, or at least talk to Jimmy Swaggart. Well maybe not Jimmy, he thinks Obama is a Muslim. What is "demonic" about photos of Obama? Does his butt shoot fire when he farts? Does he have a satisfied glow after passing gas?
Rush surely fell off his swingset!
Steve said…
There are a few photos that look kinda weird (which happens to all politicians), but I wouldn't call them demonic looking. But hey, Rush is Rush, and he's got to go for ratings.
ladyj said…
The photos were of a speech Barack was making on fear and I assume he was trying to make a point. I would have to say that Obama looks much better in any photo than Limbaugh does with that Stogie clasped between his incisors! Reminds me of a turd sticking out of a butt hole...hey it is, in fact, literally!

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