Sure too bad,

that Carol couldn't have a good time, without me, in Italy. Looks like she was trying to drown her sorrows with wine and music, but she can't fool me. Poor, lonely, sad girl....


ladyj said…
you go girl.who says you need a man to have a good time
Fam Guy said…
This is also a joke, for those who 'just don't get it'.
ladyj said…
I got it. Seems like you're the only one not in on the joke...or maybe you are the joke..hehehehe Ain't I a pisser?
Fam Guy said…
I realize you get it, lady, but there's a certain double digit IQ bunch out there that just never ceases to amaze me.
ladyj said…
Could it be these folks that are not in on the "joke" so to speak, just don't have a funny bone? Or life is wayyyyyy too literal for them? Rather like Mr. Spock on Star Trek..."That's not logical, Captain."

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