Exposing Bullshit Mountain Propaganda, and preserving memories, for the 'Rocking Chair Days'.
Sure too bad,
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that Carol couldn't have a good time, without me, in Italy. Looks like she was trying to drown her sorrows with wine and music, but she can't fool me. Poor, lonely, sad girl....
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ladyj said…
you go girl.who says you need a man to have a good time
I realize you get it, lady, but there's a certain double digit IQ bunch out there that just never ceases to amaze me.
ladyj said…
Could it be these folks that are not in on the "joke" so to speak, just don't have a funny bone? Or life is wayyyyyy too literal for them? Rather like Mr. Spock on Star Trek..."That's not logical, Captain."
Because I'm sorta stuck in an Anti-Bush rant.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D99NHb6B03s Can you imagine all those rapper stars with these things? Of course, they'd have to have theirs with 'da bling! Can't be standard, gawd no! And of course, Britney's gotta have one in her car. Paris with her pooch totin' one on the red carpet at some fete. The boys in 'da hood will have a field day on their daily drive bys. P Diddy will wear his on a chain around his neck. You suppose there will be special pockets made in jeans for these things? Trailer trash folks will have 'em camouflaged. Jeff Foxworthy will have to come up with some fresh Redneck stuff. Think George W. will get one, each for the twins? Don't forget Dickie boy for those spur of the moment huntin' trips. Of course Ma Babs will have hers with pearls. Think it will affect the Royals? I can imagine Charles and Camilia on their fox hunt...........ah yes, and Prince Philip, too, must include the...
BUT, am still wearing the necklace. Has been a tradition, for over 30 years, to wear the necklace, 'for awhile', until I lose the feeling, of the beach, in Mexico. Can't say why, but, still have it on. "Tis a sad day, when I take it off, and am not ready to go there, yet. Don't ask. 'Tis an old tradition...
Just wait 'til Bonehead leads us all over the cliff, to save his 2% buddies having to pay a little higher tax. The Pubs keep thinking the American public is stupid, and they can get away with their phony political crap. They keep forgetting we're not all a bunch of FOXNews sheep, who'll swallow whatever swill is shoveled to them. A once proud party, like a beast in it's death throes, striking out to harm whatever's close, threatening to shut the gov't down, (again), over the debt limit, which is just paying the bills they already ran up. Political hacks, pretending to be patriots. So sad...