
We just found out, this week, that the military WAY underreported cilvilian deaths (acceptable collateral damage, according to Cheney) in Iraq. Well over a hundred thousand Iraqi civilians, including thousands of children, were killed directly, not counting the horribly wounded, or those who died from lack of water, sanitation, medicine, etc, during Bush's 'oops, bad info', war, to increase the price of oil for his 'Big Oil' buddies. Don't believe me? Read 'Texasville' and 'Friday Night Lights', by Pulitzer prize winning authors who explain the oil business, run by the Bush's, around Midland, Texas. Worked out real well for them.  For the innocent civilians in Iraq? Not so much... (Was gonna post a picture, and there are LOTS of them, of the children, but was too sickening.)


Anonymous said…
Wow you didn't bash Bush for a few blogs. Didn't last though.
Fam Guy said…
Hey, I'm just reacting to the Wikileaks info about W's Big Adventure in Iraq. Over a trillion dollars, over a hundred thousand dead, so his oil and defense contributors can make big bucks. Nothing new, though...
ladyj said…
The U.S. believes it can tame the mighty Iraq and bring peace to the country. Not with Iran standing by and feeding the insurgency. Not with the hatred between Shites, Sunnis, and Kurds. That country has always been a cauldron of discord and violence. The Middle East will never be tamed.
Fam Guy said…
Won't be tamed, but huge opportunity to make big bucks. There's a reason the Repubs are keeping Bush/Cheney under wraps. Who wants to be reminded what they did to us?
ladyj said…
Just wait until after the Nov. 2 election....Doesn't Bush have a book he's going to be promoting? I bet my bottom dollar it won't be long after Nov. or the first of the year and he'll be out on the book trail. First his boys have to see how the votes go.
Besides Rove does all the speaking for the Bush administration. He's the dude with the Neanderthal head.
Fam Guy said…
Rove/Cheney was the 'power behind the throne' during W's reign of error. He was just a figurehead for the Big Oil/Defense contractors who ran the gov't and made a killing, in more ways than one.
ladyj said…
The Biography "Decision Points" will be released Nov. 9th. Bush will be interviewed by Matt Lauer on Nov. 5th and again on the Today show on the 10th. Told ya' would be after the elections. Supposedly it's 10 points about his decision making during his 8 years as the puppet in the White House. What he thought he did right and wrong, etc. Why it's called a Bio., I don't know.
Anonymous said…
If your sources is from the book "Obama's Wars," then you left out one small fact: The great majority of unreported deaths were at the hands of their fellow Iraqis.

This is not a value judgement on the war itself, but only to insure accuracy of the information.
FamGuy said…
My source is Wikileaks, whose source is the US military.

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