When you grow

apples in Colorado, you come to accept that most years years you're not gonna get any apples. You may have a bunch of pretty pink buds, in the spring, but about the time they are ready to set, we'll get a late freeze and hasta la vista,,,  This year, however, is one of those good years, and after careful consideration, I declare our tree to be numero uno in the 'hood. We have overlapping apple tress with 2 neighbors, and not sure what kind they're growing, but ours are 'Delicious' in more ways than one. Just sliced a bunch over a pork roast, with onions, garlic, carrots and potatos.  Mmmmm...


ladyj said…
just a regualr ole Martha Stewart, you are........next time try it on your bike, Lance.
Anonymous said…
And we all thought you were going to starve!!

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