The only prez/vice prez with a worse favorability rating than GWBush's 22%, with an all time low, in the single digits, is back in the news, criticizing the current prez and saying he has 'no regrets', after being the powerful half of the worst duo to ever hit American politics. Dick 'Boom Boom' Cheney, says Obama is the 'weakest' prez ever, which I would assume is a great compliment, cuz if this jerk, who assured us Saddam had WMD, and we needed to attack, NOW, (think Haliburton) supported you, there would have to be something seriously wrong. I just can't believe anyone, (other than FOX) would grant him an interview, with a straight face, after the damage he has caused. What a waste of a human heart. NEWSFLASH! Dick, like W, won't be at the Repub convention. Oh Really? Mitt, who won't be photographed with either of them, obviously doesn't want the voters to see any reminders of who wrecked our country, during their 8 year 'reign of error'. Can't really blame him.


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