You wonder why

I don't like Pubs? Here's one on the main reasons. They introduced, and blocked all efforts to repeal, bills that make it legal, and easy, to secretly contribute millions of dollars, so special interest groups, can effectively 'buy Congressmen'.
       The ability to follow the money has never been this important since the bagman days of the Watergate scandal. But when the Democratic Senate majority made a fresh attempt to enact a disclosure bill on Monday, the measure was immediately filibustered to death by Republicans, like other versions. Still, the vote was a chance for the public to see who stands for and against such basic transparency in political spending. The answer: not one Republican showed the courage to break ranks and speak up for disclosure.
Republicans have been the main beneficiaries of corporate and independent spending sprees. The party's lock-step opposition to letting voters see who writes the big checks is an embarrassment to Congress and the American people. NO PROBLEM, if you're a Pub.
If you can't see the problem here, you're just not trying.


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