What should be totally obvious,

is blocked by the Pubs, cuz it might help Obama/Dems. As India's power grid shuts down, it is a precursor to an American problem. The obvious solution, as millions are out of work, and the gov't can borrow money at near zero rates, would be obvious, to anyone with a brain, that we should do WPA type projects, for a double whammy, as in doing necessary infrastructure work, PLUS, putting Americans to work. Makes sense, unless you are a Pub, cuz it might help Obama/Dems. SO, let's just shut it all down. So sickening, but typical Repub, as they would rather watch the economy, that they wrecked, continue to tank. SO obvious, to anyone who looks at it, without the Repub agenda. Their plan? Tax relief for the rich, or start another war (Iran), their favorite way of rewarding the big money Repub/Military/Industrial complex. Am afraid it's all gonna come crashing down, this time, as the 2 political parties have stretched economics to the breaking point.


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