Just REwatched,the Opening Ceremonies,

and saw how the Brits celebrated NHS, (Nat'l Health Services), their health care system, that they are so proud of, and well should be. The Brits, like ALL civilized countries in the world, EXCEPT the US, where sickness and disease is a big money maker for the Pubs, as the lobbyists and health care systems make HUGE profits have public health care. Sickening, literally and figuratively, as the same pols who fought Soc Sec and Medicare, now fight health care, cuz it's 'Socialism'.  Just hope YOU never get sick or hurt, without coverage, or possibly if yours isn't good enuff, cuz even IF you survive, you're killed financially. Gotta love them Pubs, their lobbyists and FOXNews who make it all possible, so you can lose EVERYTHING you've ever worked for, so some can make a killing in the life saving business. Yup, the Pubs are right, and the rest of the world is wrong, as the rest of the world actually values basic health care, instead of looking at it as PROFITS for the few.


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