I wouldn't have a problem

with FOXNews, if it was correctly labeled, as in "What the Right Wing Wants you to Think. or, 'Propaganda Arm of the Republican Party', or even The Conservative Answer to Supposed Liberal Bias'. BUT, they label their crap as 'Fair and Balanced'. What a joke, that is getting totally ridiculous as this election season advances, and Im' sure it's only gonna get worse. The Pubs found that 'Swiftboating', which refers to reporting total lies, 'as truth', actually works, SO, I can't wait to see what the Karl Rove led PAC's come up with this time, as they have the same stable of billionaires, ready with their cash, to say whatever they think the sheep will believe, and that leaves out NOTHING. Should be interesting, since the Repub controlled Supreme Court has made it all legal.


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