As I deal with

my folk's estate, I can only imagine the people who have a 'real job', and don't have time to deal with all the crap that the Insurance Cos put them through, as well as the banks (Wells Fargo employees should go to jail), and the stock transfer entities. Carol (with a background in insurance), and I are gradually wading through it, 8 hours at a time, but can't imagine trying to deal with this crap, if we were dealing with a real job and family life. I just wonder what % of ins payments never get paid, cuz people just 'give up', when dealing with the jerks whose corporate plan is to "beat them into submission'. Am back at it tomorrow, but feel sorry for those without my time, knowledge and persistence as they deal with Wells Fargo employees, and their ilk. Sickening, but typical of corporate America, these days.


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