The 'jeniuses' at FOX

have a headline today, 'Did the GOP Make a Miscalculation in the Govt Slimdown?'  DUH? Ya think so? Who da thunk shutting down the govt, putting a bunch of little people out of work, while you blackmailed the country with not increasing the debt limit (paying bills already incurred), and REALLY wreck the economy, cuz you didn't like the Affordable Care Act, that was already law? Who da thunk?
This just in: Republican Sen. Ted Cruz rallied conservatives to keep up the fight to unravel ObamaCare, ahead of a White House meeting where his colleagues were expected to dial back their demands for changes to the health law as part of a possible deal to end the partial government shutdown. The idiots just don't learn, as they live inside their echo chamber bubble, safe in their Tea Party districts.


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Not sure why,