Breaking news from FOX

"Carter Not Worst Prez Ever, It Is Now Obama." The 'Fair and Balanced' crew has 'news' about the new 'worst' president. Not the one who started two unpaid for wars (Ooops, No WMD's) and wrecked the economy in SO many ways, (as he paid out $860 BILLION to his Big Money buddies) but Obama, who refused to negotiate with blackmailers, who shut down the govt. At least the jackasses at FOX are consistent. All lies, all the time. PS. THe last two shows of Emmy winners Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert (as well as SNL) have focused on FOXNews lies and the ridiculousness of their 'news'. Funny (but true) stuff. UNbelievable that the sheep swallow their swill and come back for more.


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