Today's 'FOX Moment'

In what could become a regular installment, I'm gonna pick a 'news' story from FOX, to illustrate the kind of 'in-depth' reporting they do. This is for those who don't have the time or inclination to wade through the muck that is reported as 'news' on FOX. It's gonna be tough to 'pick only one', but I'm gonna try.
Dr Keith Ablow explained to the sheep why Obama is acting like a 'victim' in the govt shutdown, or slimdown, as the Murdoch robots call it. President Obama's 'victim' problem comes the fact that he was abandoned by his father at an early age, thus 'scarring him for life', (and will probably be the same for all other black men who become prez of the US, after being abandoned by their father.) This nugget of psychoanalysis is brought to you by the Fair and Balanced network. Thank you.


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