as John Boehner lied to the American public today, AGAIN, when he said there aren't the votes in the House of Reps to pass a 'Clean'  bill, (without the Repub blackmail), to end the shutdown, (planned and executed by the Pubs). BUT, NBC published the names and pics of 20 (reasonable) Pubs, when there are only 17 needed to pass an up/down vote. John Boehner LIED? Who da thunk? Wow, knock me over with a feather. Not a big deal for most of us, cuz we all expect lies from the Pubs. It's who they are and what they do. Wanna prove it Bonehead, as your lies are broadcast? Just take a vote in the House, OR, you could just keep lying (like the Pubs always do) cuz the Tea Party has you by the balls, (who knows how/why) and the country suffers. Nothing new here. And the sheep say, Amen.  BTW. Public opinion of the Pubs. 'Just Keeps Dropping', as the 'negative' now over 70%, and 'rising'. Wow, who coulda seen this coming? Good thing we got elections coming up, and the House majority is 'close'. Have I mentioned, "I Love It'?


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