Today's FOX moment

As the 'experts', (Rupert Murdoch puppets) at FOX screamed about Obama picking on JP Morgan, with the $13 Billion fine PROVING that Obama is 'anti-business', the 'real' financial news told what really happened. JPM made over 20 times that much from the illegal profits they got from Citibank and others, that the Fed asked them to take over, after Bush wrecked the economy and financial markets. ALSO, JPM was punished for illegal deals of their own, NOT just what they inherited. AND, this fine is largely tax deductible, so the tax payers pick up a large part of it. IF, the Obama admin was serious about punishment, Jamie Dimon and several of the execs at JPM would be going to jail, instead of pocketing huge bonuses. Of course, the sheep at FOX only know that  'Obama HATES business and businessmen, SO he leveled this huge fine, and is giving it to Liberal causes'. Typical crap from FOX, but now you know, 'The rest of the story', that the FOX sheep will never hear.


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