FOX is bitchin', AGAIN, about the Blue States

Blue states ramp up push to 'evade' chunk of Trump's tax reform

cuz they are the ones that are gonna get hurt the worst from Trump's tax plan, that doesn't allow taxpayers to deduct their state taxes from their Fed taxes.
Why, you ask?
Cuz the people with choices, those with the educ and money, (surprise!, they're related), live in Blue States. It's CA, WA, OR residents that are gonna get hurt, not LA, MS and GA, where the Pub base lives.
Yup, IN, KY and WV residents aren't gonna have to pay extra, but NY, MA and CO will, cuz the taxes are high, where the homes are worth more, cuz that's where people with CHOICES live, and it COSTS MORE, for a better standard of living.
The Pubs LOVE to say 'We're the SMART ones', but the stats/info proves the TOTAL opposite, as 9 of 10 Highest educ/income states are BLUE, while 9 of 10 Lowest educ/income states are Red.
Guess what/ That ain't no coincidence, as the Pub Bible Belt Base just HAPPENS to be in the arm pit of the nation. And those brainiacs aint' stuck there cuz they're so SMART.....
Look at the map and choose where YOU'D rather live, IF you could afford it. Then look at where the Repubs live.....


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