Wow, who da thunk

that in an organization as large as the FBI there woiuld be two people who were smart enough to hate Trump?
Hmmmm. Maybe 100%?
And, maybe those two would exchange e-mails about their common interest?
Wow, according to the clowns at FOX, who will do ANYTHING to throw mud on the investigation of the Liar in Chief and his OBVIOUS Russian connections, finding two Orange Clown haters is
'Worse the Watergate', which is an actual Bullshit Mountain headline. NO SHIT, look it up.
Yup, the same a-holes who shovel crap to the sheep are also calling for the Orange Clown to fire Mueller. 'Time t Fire Mueller'. Again, actual headline, look it up.
It's all part of the 'Shoot the Messenger' syndrome for the minions who LIVE to get their daily marching orders from the Fake News Agency, created by Roger Ailes, former Chief Political (Propaganda) Strategist of the Repub Party, who gained initial favor with the Pubs by defending Nixon, to the very end, claiming he was NOT a crook.
Of ALL PLACES to get your news.... From a Repub Propaganda site. Like if I got MY news from MSNBC, and claimed it was Real News!
And you wonder WHY the sheep are so clueless?


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