Are you telling me that experienced FBI agents didn't agree with the Orange Clown and his traitorous henchman Michael Flynn, as they screamed 'Lock her up!', cuz of a private server, that was never hacked, unlike the RNC  and DNC websites,as well as many other govt sites.
Plus, most politicians did, and still do, use 'private servers'. BUT, the a-holes at Bullshit Mountain are claiming the 'fix was in', cuz Hillary wasn't prosecuted as a traitor, like the Liar in Chief should be, for hooking up with the Russians. Something the rightwingnuts have NO PROBLEM with.
Hmmmm, private server vs partnering with the Russians? Gee, that's a tough one, but not for the FOXSheep, who scream 'Lock her up!' while ignoring Dotard's OBVIOUS Russian connections.
It's just part of the smokescreen thrown up to 'shoot the messenger' Robert Mueller, and I know they're just ignorant sheep, but C'MON.....

New texts between Trump-bashing FBI lovers show Clinton never in jeopardy, say lawmakers


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