Just saw the Orange Clown's list of Fake News Awards

I admit there were some mistakes, over a period of over a year, by some of the DOZENS of 'Real' news agencies, Not FOXBullshit type agencies. And most of the mistakes were recognized by the people who made them, (like the MKK bust in the WH), they were admitted to, and people like Brian Ross were disciplined
Sorta like the FOXCrew....
Those a-holes get promotions for lying.
Anyone wanna bet I could find FIFTY lies from Trump/FOX/Pubs for every mistake on the Liar in Chief's list?
And, as for Dotard's #1 claim about Fake News?
Russia Collusion!
How many meetings with how many Trump flunkies, that they LIED about first?
How many (hundreds of thousands) Russian emails on Social media?
How many Russian bank loans to Trump?
How many US intel agencies say Russia intervened in the US election for the Orange Clown?
This is his idea of Fake News, while he averages over 5 lies for EVERY DAY of his 'reign of error'?
Check out the Liar in Chief's list, here:


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