The Pubs like to blame the Dems for the 'shutdown'

BUT, the way out is SOO simple. Approx 85% of Americans want the 'Dreamers' to be able to stay in the US. Children who know no other country, who have committed NO CRIME, at a time when we NEED all the labor we can get.
The Liar in Chief calls them criminal and 'dangerous', BUT, if they have even ONE crime, they are no longer a 'Dreamer', and aren't subject to staying. Just another of Dotard's YUUUUGE number of lies.
SOOO, if the jerks(R) really want to end the shutdown, all they have to do is agree with the YUUUGE majority of Americans and let the Dreamers stay.
EASY solution!
Problem solved!
BUT, the 'Art of the Deal' clown can't figure it out, and the clueless sheep won't admit that this ONE obvious concession would end the entire, stoopid shutdown.
And you wonder WHY I can't stand 'em(R).....

BUT, there is some good news.


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