Snowy day, so we're watching Netflix

and the new Letterman series, with Obama as his first guest.
Remember when we had a lucent, intelligent, articulate president?
Obama had a quote, as he referred to the LIES from the Liar in Chief. 'We are entitled to our own opinions, but not our own facts'.
No Shit!,
That's what FOX is all about, and LYING has become a political reality, with the Liar in Chief perfecting it, as the gullible sheep swallow the LIES.... TWO THOUSAND 'Documented'..
And what if 1/2 are questionable? That's 1000 LIES! The Pubs bitched about ONE Obama lie.. 'You can keep your doctor'. Think about it!
FOX and Trump LIE..... ALL THE TIME!
At what point do you(R) sell your soul and NOT CARE about lies?

Also, Obama reminds us what he inherited.
Two wars and and a CRASHING economy.
Worst since the Big D. Thanks again, to GW and The Dick. Repubs....
People(R) don't remember how bad it was.... I happen to remember 2008, and it SUCKED.
I lost HALF the value of my investments....
GW paid over $850 BILLION to his Big Banker Buddies. to keep us from completely imploding.
Ft Knox holds a little over $100 billion.
Now the Pubs elected a reality show LIAR who went bankrupt SIX times, on his third wife, and backed by the Evangelicals.
Can you say IDIOTS?


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