The Pubs have NO PROBLEM with their Pussy Grabber prez

who pays hookers to keep quiet, cheats on ALL his many wives, brags about his penis size and walking in on naked Miss Teen USA contestants, BUT, when a Dem president has a one time consensual fling, with a quick BJ.     OMG!.      Impeach him!
AND, make a seven part series about it, throwing red meat to the hypocritical sheep, who get their jollies from FOX, the Propaganda Arm of the Repub Party.
Yup, Bullshit Mountain begins a 7 part series about Monica and Bill, guaranteed to get the clueless minions riled up, while their boy has at least 18 women claiming he attacked them. AND, we heard him brag about on the bus.
BUT THAT'S DIFFERENT, cuz he has (R) after his name.
The word HYPOCRITE was invented to describe the jerks(R) who demonize Bill and ignore Dotard's actions, BUT, nothing new here...


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