Was flipping through the channels on a snowy Sunday

and happened to catch part of 'Splash', one of Tom Hanks' first movies, in 1984, where he discovers a 'mermaid', played by Daryl Hannah.
Was kinda cute and refreshing, but I noticed something.
After word got out that Hanks' had a mermaid in his apartment, he got a YUUUUGE number of calls to his office, wanting interviews. His secretary had a long list of news agencies that wanted to speak with him and see the mermaid, incl ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Reuters, BBC, the AP and UPI.
Notice anything?
These are ALL Fake News, according to the fake news agency, FOX, that wasn't around then. This was before Roger Ailes, Chief Repub Political Strategist created his 'alternative' to real news, for hardcore Repubs, who'd rather hear want they 'want to be true', over reality.
Who da thunk SO many people could be brain-washed SO thoroughly since then?
Yup, ALL the agencies we trusted to give us the news have been declared 'Fake' by the crew at Bullshit Mountain, and the sheep swallow it.
Check out the list from the movie and be SHOCKED how the Repub Propaganda Machine/FOXNews has taken over 'Truth' in America.
What kind of brain could believe FOX over EVERYONE else?
Oh yeah, a brain-washed FOXSheep......
Perfect example today from Bullshit Mountain:

Michael Goodwin: Media grade after one year of Trump: F for effort, F for result, and F for lack of honesty

Media bias during Trump’s first year in office is a continuation of the bias that exploded during the 2016 campaign.
Wow, who do thunk REAL media wouldn't get behind a lying sack o' shit like The Donald?


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