In the 'All Lies-All the Time' world

of rightwingnut news, they can put their 'Special Spin' on 'anything and everything'
Remember when the Orange Clown talked about the 'shithole' countries?
Well, according to the Fake News that the gullible sheep depend on, the Liar in Chief's words weren't the problem. The problem was those damn Dems who squealed on him.
Seems impossible to spin something SO far, right?
Not when you're dealing with the gullible sheep who will believe ANYTHING that confirms their motto. Dems BAD--Pubs GOOD!

Washington is aghast over the news that, during a closed-door meeting with congressional leaders, President Donald Trump asked if we could exclude immigrants from “shithole” countries such as Haiti and the nations of Africa. If true, what Trump said is terrible. But what the Democrats did is worse.
What Durbin should have said was: “What is said between the president of the United States and the second-ranking Senate Democrat during a closed-door negotiation stays behind closed doors."

Yup, in Repub 'Spin World', it's ALWAYS the Dem's fault. 
Same old shit from the same old shitters.

What's CRAZY?
The FOXSheep swallow that crap!

Who da thunk the morons who get their 'news' from the agency created by Roger Ailes, Chief Repub Propaganda Strategist, could be SO uninformed?
And you wonder WHY I can't stand 'em(R), even though they CAN wiggle their ears and tickle their colons, with their anal/cranial inversions!


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