Remember that ONE day, when the Liar in Chief allowed the press

into a political meeting and he did some 'grand-standing', saying, 'Bring me a bi-partisan bill and I'll sign it. I'll take the heat?'
Well, they did, and he didn't.
Same old shit from the lying sack o' shit, BUT, it helped him to keep  his pace of approx FIVE LIES PER DAY, that he has maintained over the last year.
Now, all the jerks(R) have to do is agree with the YUUUGE majority of the American people (85%), and NOT kick out about a million kids who have done nothing wrong. Seems really tough right?
What a bunch of a-holes, who use kids, (medical care (CHIP) or deportation (DACA), to blackmail the Dems. BUT, listen to FOX-PARP LIES and it's all the Dem's fault.
And you wonder why I can't stand the jerks(R)?


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