A criminal jackass who’s firing all the ‘watchdogs’ and Inspector Generals is also appointing the judges who hear his cases. The Pussy Grabber, six times bankrupt, guy who paid off two hookers, (screwed while his wife was home with their new baby), LIED about it, Putin lover, hated by our former allies, and BY FAR most of the world, whose lawyer and campaign mgr are convicted criminals, said COVID19 was a hoax, and ‘under control’, phony Christian, financed his ‘ruble laundering empire’ with Russian money, (when no American bank would lend him any more$), 239 lb Pathological LIAR, whose Atty Gen is as bad a criminal as him, arrogant, egotistical ‘rally holder’ during a pandemic, frustrated ‘stand up comedian’, Bible Belt Hero, ‘but first I need a favor’ $$ distributor, father of ‘leopard, elephant, endangered sheep, (shot at night with light), shoot-em-for-fun killers’, water and air pollution law killer, savior of ‘Dirty Coal’ while claiming ‘windmills cause cancer’, author of 19,000...