We all know Dotard is an arrogant, Russian backed jerk, who thinks he knows more than EVERYNE, including ‘his’ generals and the Intelligence community.

Most of us know that part of a president’s workday is the morning briefing, where he meets with the Intelligence officers and the heads of different agencies and sometimes the cabinet.
Until Dotard, presidents, incl GWBush and Obama would spend at least an hour on these vital briefings, seven days a week, with two hour meetings not being unusual when necessary.
Well, we heard from John Bolton, and many others, that Fat Donny doesn’t bother with these meetings, attending only once or sometimes twice a week, AND, when he bothers to show up, HE does most of the talking, and rarely stays for even an hour, with an attention span of a couple minutes, at best.
Usually, a president will listen to various options, from those who know most about the subject, and then make a decision.
Not Dotard. Usually, the last person to talk with him is the one he goes with, SO, those in the meeting that he happens to show up for try to be the last voice he hears, cuz that’s what he’s going with, although most decisions are based on how it helps HIM, or those in his inner circle, not the country.
This isn't new info, BUT, it verifies what we’ve heard from every book writer that has reported from his inner sanctum, where they all agree, ‘chaos rules’.
Nothing new here, and only some of us care, but frightening and sickening just the same.


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