It didn’t stop him from putting on a snake oil show that PT Barnum would have been proud of, with the moronic minions cheering hm on, BUT,

There were only 6200 of those morons in attendance, several of them camping out for days, to get a seat in the stadium that was less than half full
Aides say Dotard was furious when he saw all the empty seats, and ‘overflow crowd’ accommodations were being dismantled while the Liar in Chief put on his dog and pony show for the crowd that showed just how ignorant and gullible his base actually is. They cheered when he performed difficult tasks like drinking with one hand and walking on a handicap accessible ramp, and applauded as he took credit for things that he inherited, like the economy and US energy production.
Same old shit, for the same ignorant crowd from the same old bullshitter....


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