Bullshit Mountain likes to call it Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Its the Murdoch/Ailes definition of those who know Trump is a deranged, arrogant, Russian backed (as per his sons, lawyer, campaign manager and ALL 17 US Intel agencies), pussy grabbing, six times bankrupt, Mafia (US and Russia) connected money launderer, Pathological Liar, who cheats on his multiple wives, while pretending he’s a Christian, for the gullible, ignorant Bible Belt morons who swallow the crap from FOX, that was founded by the dirty money of Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes, the Chief Repub Political Strategist who came up with the idea of creating a Propaganda Network for those who don’t care about truth, but want a source of Fake News, bolstered by a glitzy, bimbo laden ‘news’ dept that post enough real news to keep the ignorant hicks thinking they are ‘informed’ while stuffing them full of Repub bullshit’
Nice sentence, huh?
I dare you to show me where even ONE PART is WRONG!


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