Just had the confluence of thoughts and facts come together, and it left me wondering.

Saw the forecast for today, with record breaking heat, after the month of May was the hottest ever recorded, on earth, by quite a bit. Then I saw the satellite map and the pinpoint predictions of the weather that are almost always ‘right on’, even down to the exact hour when a front will move through. I think most people admire and appreciate the accuracy of these forecasts, even several days in advance, made possible, among other things, by the high tech satellites and precise measurements.
Which brings me to my point.
The scientists and other experts devote their lives to learning the facts and information that makes these forecasts possible, BUT, there is a considerable portion of the population that totally discounts the information and long term forecasts of continuing climate change and global warming. Instead of believing those who actually have made a life’s work of the science of meteorology, they instead choose to believe the clowns who deny it, for political purposes.
Yup, MANY choose to swallow the biased ratings of those (Rush, Sean and other rightwingnuts) who know NOTHING about weather and climate. They catapult the disproven theories of the 3% of Climatologists who are sponsored by Big Oil and Big Business, to spread their lies, for the gullible(R) who will swallow them.
I could explain WHY, but I think we all know.
When you choose to view the world, with your head up your ass, believing stuff like Trump’s Sharpie
change to the Hurricane map, (cuz he couldn’t admit he was wrong), instead of those who have worked their entire lives to actually know ‘of what they speak’, it’s hard to remove that head, even when it’s obvious. Instead, they align with the LIAR with the Sharpie, who lies about nearly EVERYTHING!


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