John Bolton claims, in his forthcoming book, that nearly ALL Dotard’s decisions

are based on furthering his own interests, over those of the country.
Duh, is anyone surprised?
Even the head up their ass crowd?
C’mon, you gotta know, the arrogant asshole cares for no one but himself.
Sure, his Treasury draining policies have helped the stock market, which is in his interest, for reelection and his 1% buddies, BUT, could anyone, even the FOXSheep not know it’s all about HIM.
He inherited a GREAT economy, (like he inherited his fortune), after Obama fixed the ‘GW and The Dick’ disaster.
Bottom line, the Orange Clown has made the US into a pariah in the world and the economy, good as it was, could have been WAY better.
Two thirds of us know it, and one third don’t care, as swallowing crap from a Pathological Liar is FINE with them.
Nothing new here.....


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