I was never a member of the NRA, but there was a time I respected them.

Then they became an arm of the Rightwingneck Repubs. Here in Colorado, after the Columbine massacre, the authorities tried to ban high capacity magazines after the asshole shooter killed SO many, with the help of YUUUGE magazines.
WELL, the Wayne LaPierre dickwads have been fighting it, on 2nd amendment grounds, AS IF, every citizen is guaranteed an assault rifle with 30 round mags.
Screw em and the Big Money assault rifle mfgrs, who make guns for one reason. to kill a lot of people, fast.
No true sportsman needs or wants them, BUT, the jerkass Repubs use the scare tactics of
‘They(D) are gonna TAKE YOUR GUNS!, to stir up the ignorant sheep who would believe such crap.
Who’s gonna take ‘em?
Not the military, or the police, or a bunch of weak ass snowflakes. Nearly all my friends(D) own guns, and NO ONE is gonna take ‘em from us.
Totally impossible, BUT, the fearmongers(R) preach it to the dumbshit, ignorant, gullible sheep who will swallow ANYTHING after listening to FOX and the TV preachers.
What a bunch of morons, BUT, they vote straight Republican, SO they’re useful idiots.
And that, with a bunch of other FOXLies, is how we got Donald F’ing Trump for prez.
Thanks again, morons(R)...


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